Meet Our Staff


Mary McCarty - Artistic Director

Mary has cultivated a lifelong passion for music via the choral and instrumental arts, performing on both sides of the baton as a singer, flutist and conductor within a wide range of ensembles taking her from her roots in upstate New York to her adopted home in Oregon. She is honored by the opportunity as the director of PLC to unite her love of music with the joy of creating community through choral collaboration. Mary holds a music degree from the State University of New York at Potsdam. Mary’s dedication, skill and passion has helped PLC grow in musical excellence and PLC is so thankful to have her share her gifts with the choir.

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Colin Alexsei Shepard - Accompanist

PLC is thrilled to have Colin as our accompanist. Colin is the Music Director and Conductor at Cedar Hills United Church of Christ. He earned his Masters in Piano Performance at Portland State University, where he was the Graduate Teacher’s Assistant for collaborative piano accompanying the PSU Chamber Choir and opera studies program. Colin has accompanied and performed in over 500 recitals and played for masterclasses with opera legends Lawrence Brownlee, Frederica von Stade, Angela Meade, and Vinson Cole.

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Beca Rasch - Choreographer

Beca loves being the choreographer for the Portland Lesbian Choir. She is primarily a dance instructor, teaching little ones at Childpeace Montessori, Portland Parks and Recreation, and as the owner of Firefly Dance. She has performed regionally and professionally, choreographing a wide range of genres. Before Portland, Beca lived in Missouri where she got her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre at Missouri State University, and spent 5 years as a dancer/choreographer for Inertia Dance Company. Beca finds peace and bliss through movement, and strives to share that joy with all she encounters.

Alanna Hoyman-Browe - Choreographer

Alanna Hoyman-Browe has studied dance in different capacities and forms her whole life. She believes that every person is a dancer and loves being able to make movement with and for PLC. Alanna was involved in the dance department during her time at Reed College and has worked on several solo pieces and collaborations with other Portland dancers since graduating.